Tuesday, 28 May 2013

IRON DEFICIENCY , ANEMIA . How to increase iron ?

            Women in India , approximately 60% of young women are anemic . Indian women tend to ignore their health so it is necessary to look after their health problems.Anemic women should take care of their body during the pregnancy and breast feeding to the infant, because at that time children receive most complete nutrients and antibodies so extra care is necessary .

During the menstruation blood loses in this time that means iron loss. Women with heavy periods are at the risk of anemic. Any reason of blood loss results in lack of iron. There are many types of anemia but generally
it is due to the lack of minerals and vitamins which needed for red blood cells to work properly.

Weakness, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, memory loss, hair loss , irritation, headache, breathing shortness,etc.


Women should take organic natural foods. Food with no preservatives, no artificial color otherwise that causes more deterioration in health.
Beet root.
Carrot juice or raw carrots.
Leafy vegetables.
Vitamin c enriched fruits or vegetables can increase the absorption of dietary iron.


Goat liver.
Chicken liver.
Pork liver.
Plant base and non veg base sources of iron shown above so if you take regularly in appropriate manner you will stay healthy .



Monday, 27 May 2013


           Acidity occurs mainly due to the disorder of the digestive system .The symptoms are pain in stomach  heartburn in chest or throat area. It happens when body releases more acid that leads to gas formation in stomach.


Irregularities of eating food
Drinking too much amount of coffee , tea.
Habits of smoking cigarets , alcohol.
Chewing tobacco ,
Eating spicy food
Carbonated beverages and soft drinks
             Skip these habits or at least reduce it this will help you to minimize the acidity problem.


Drink plenty of water.
Drink every day a glass of cold fat less milk
Drink butter milk.
Drink aloe Vera juice before meal twice a day.
Drink raw radish juice or eat raw radish twice a day .
Drink ginger tea.
Drink lukewarm water every day.
After the meal take a piece of jaggery and suck it slowly
Take a tsp of aniseed boil it in one cup of water for five minute and keep it overnight,early in morning strain it and mix one tsp of honey and drink thrice a day ,it reduces acidity
Divide your meal into five or six part don't eat two or three heavy meal.
Roast cumin seed crush it not in powder form and drink with glass of water with every meal.
Vanilla ice cream reduces acidity problem.
Watermelon ,cucumber, banana , good source of reducing acidity.
                With the help of above method choose two or three method ,and reduce the causes of acidity ,certainly  it will give you comfort and do it regularly wait for two or three month and  you might cure your acidity problem.
                 Wait for two or three month 

Friday, 17 May 2013

Piles ,Hemorrhoids

                                   Piles ,hemorrhoids cure it  

 If you have problem of piles,fistula,hemorrhoids  you have to do following things.


  1. Control constipation. 
      2. Do not strain while passing the stool.


  1. Eat plenty of fib res fresh fruits or fresh fruit juices eat fresh green vegetables salads.
  2. Drink lots of water.


  1. If you are taking advice by the physician and taking some medicine continue it till the doctor says. 
  2. If you have external painful moles  use some kind of cream or solution regularly twice a day refer by doctor.



According to the physician's advise, you have to take medicine but medicine is not enough, you should eat varieties of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water.

Types of fiber:

  1. Insoluble fiber promotes bowel regularity and prevents constipation. Soluble fiber benefits for lowering harmful L.D.L cholesterol keeping the blood sugar steady after meal. 

  2. Therefore fruits and vegetables are the good source of insoluble and soluble fiber.

  3. Beneficial fruits and vegetables in constipation are fig, papaya, mango, oranges, cabbage,  beats, carrots, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, spinach etc.

  4. Dry fig three or four fig clean it and soaked overnight in fresh water. This should be taken early in the morning with water in which they were soaked and in the evening repeat it in the similar manner.This method uses in Indian community but along with this eat wide varieties of fruits and vegetables. 

  5. Drink plenty of fresh water. Read the above content and follow it regularly till you get rid of the problems. Always try to eat fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water because this will keep you away from the diseases.


 Disclaimer: The content of this site are for informational purpose only, always seek the advise of a qualified physician.


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Dehydration in summer

                     Dehydration in summer, Precaution

Especially in summer or hot weather there is greater risk that you will become dehydrated. To prevent from dehydration you should increase fluid intake and drink plenty of water.                                                                                                                                                                                             1. Avoid outside work in hot days. 

2. Avoid heavy exercises in summer. 

3. Avoid your children to play outside from home. 

4. Your trouser or shirt must be of lighter, white color. 

5. Try to use light cotton shirt, trouser or any other dresses. 

6. Cover your head with light and cotton caps. 

7. In summer season when ever you get some spare time you better  take some rest. 

8. Always keep some electrolyte in home or in journey. 

9. Always try to keep yourself away from sunlight. 

10. While urinate if the color of urine is dark or little dark you are not drinking sufficient amount of liquid fluid , drink plenty of water. Drinking lime or lemon water along with sugar and pinch of salt is a good source. 

11. Patient of blood pressure and diabetic patient or old age person, children or sick person always take care of these kind of people always consult your qualified physician. 

12. Disclaimer-the content of the site are for informational purpose only. Always seek the advice of a qualified physician     


Monday, 6 May 2013

Easy First Aid Tips.

                       Cuts & Wounds. Don't ignore it!!                                                                           

In our life we experiences cuts or wound at some point in our life you take it seriously. Precaution must be taken to avoid infection. If you have a cut or a wound no matter how small, take the following steps to avoid infection and promote healing even a minor cut can become infected if you are caring properly                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


The wound must be cleaned by some treated water, alcohol etc.                                                             

  • Apply some little diluted Dettol, Savlon,or any other kind of antiseptic cream or liquid to the surface area of the wound.                                                                                                                                     
  • Keep the clean or medicated cotton over the wound and wrap it proper clean, dirt free cotton cloth that mean the area of the wound should be properly covered.                                                                  
  • It depends upon the wound how deeper or larger is that if you feel that the wound is big enough then certainly you need to consult to doctor.                                                                                                           
  • Sometimes if the cut is larger than definitely that require some stitching work done by the health professional                                                                                                                                                        
  •  Every second day you need some dressing replace the old cotton or bandage.                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Do"nt contact the wound area with raw water till the wound heal.                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  •  Diabetic patient should be careful consult your physician                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 If the wound or cut occur by some iron or steel then it require tetanus injection .If you taken the total care you will be healed soon .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Saturday, 4 May 2013

a welcome note

This blog is dedicated for all sorts of health ,  precautions and preventions from any kind of diseases in form of  simple suggestions gained from experience.

Get well soon !!!